Ah, Eastern Market in Detroit – a food lover’s paradise! It’s a neighborhood that’s rich in history and even richer in taste. Strolling through the market, I’m always hit by the enticing aroma of freshly baked bread, pastries, and other delectable treats wafting from the many bakeries that line its streets.

I’ve been on a mission to find the best bakeries this side of Detroit, and let me tell you, it’s been a delicious journey. From flaky croissants that melt in your mouth to hearty loaves that are perfect for sandwiches, Eastern Market’s bakeries have it all.

Exploring Eastern Market Detroit

You know, there’s a sense of excitement that creeps up on me every time I step foot inside Eastern Market. I mean, it’s hard not to feel a little giddy when surrounded by everything delicious Detroit has to offer.

Walk with me through the lively market and you’ll understand why I’m so hooked. The vivid display of fresh produce, vibrant artisan goods, and, oh, the bakeries – they leave an impression that sticks, long after you’ve left.

Eastern Market’s bakeries, in particular, have a charm all their own. That mingling aroma of flour, yeast, and sweet confection that subtly whispers promises of sugary satisfaction – it’s nothing short of amazing. With so many bakeries lined up, each with their unique treats, it’s a paradise for anyone with a sweet tooth.

But it’s not just the aroma or the visually alluring pastries that make these bakeries stand out. The true magic lies in the symphony of flavors that play on your palate with every bite. It’s like they’re telling a story, a history that’s kneaded and baked into every loaf of bread.

Here, let me share some of the standout bakeries you simply can’t miss when visiting Eastern Market.

First up, is Astoria Pastry Shop, a renowned spot that’s been around for over 40 years. Let me tell you, their Baklava is out of this world, and their chocolate mousse cake will make you swoon, I guarantee it.

Then there is Germack Coffee Roasting Company, not just a bakery, but a sensory experience. Don’t miss their perfectly brewed coffee paired with a dash of homemade confections.

And who can forget Sister Pie, making headlines with their pie-centric bakery concept. Their flavors are off the charts – salted maple pie, anyone?

  • Astoria Pastry Shop
  • Germack Coffee Roasting Company
  • Sister Pie

All these wonderful spots are nestled within Eastern Market, each adding its special flavor to the mix. As I continue my mission of unearthing the tastiest bakeries in Detroit, there’s no doubt that the journey itself is deliciously delightful. Let’s keep exploring, shall we? It’ll be a journey plated with joy, and I’m pretty sure it’ll get even sweeter with every step.

The Charm of Eastern Market Bakeries

Let me share what I found so utterly captivating about the Eastern Market bakeries. With every turn and corner in this sizeable market, there was an irresistible aroma luring me towards yet another artisanal bakery. The warm scent of fresh bread, the sweet smell of delicate pastries – it was heaven for my senses.

One of the bakeries that caught my attention – and let’s not forget my appetite – was none other than Astoria Pastry Shop. Having been around since 1971, this place is an institution, a nod to Detroit’s rich, multicultural history. The variety here, it’s phenomenal. Everything from decadent chocolate eclairs to flaky baklawa packed with nuts. Rest assured, there’s nothing quite as rewarding as biting into their sweet delicacies.

Moving ahead, we take a turn, my nose leads me to another aromatic gateway – Germack Coffee Roasting Company. A stickler for freshly roasted coffee, I was thrilled to find this gem in the heart of Eastern Market. You step in and you’re uplifted by the combined scent of roasted coffee beans and freshly baked pastries. The dark roasts, freshly baked bread, and pastries taste even better than they smell and that’s saying something. What a treat!

Last, but far from least, we arrived at Sister Pie. They honor the tradition of pie making while also adding creative twists. Here, I tried the most delightful Salted Maple Pie. It was a riot of flavors. Toasty, sweet, and balanced perfectly with flaky, buttery crust. I might’ve found my new favorite!

Top Bakeries in Eastern Market

Strolling through the bustling lanes of Eastern Market, my journey of mouth-watering exploration is only getting started. This part of town is a foodie’s delight and holds some of the best-kept secrets in terms of bakery specials.

Astoria Pastry Shop is the place if you’re a pie lover. It’s been satisfying sweet tooth cravings since 1971. The great variety of pastries available here is mind-blowing, ranging from baklawa and chocolate eclairs to rainbow cookies. Their sweets are guaranteed to transport you to food heaven with just one bite!

If you’re ever in the mood for freshly roasted coffee beans partnered with delicious pastries, Germack Coffee Roasting Company is a place for you. The blustery aroma of its freshly roasted coffee wafts through the market, irresistibly luring you in. The café’s pastries are a testament to fine artisan baking, making it a popular choice for both locals and tourists.

In the market’s lively district, Sister Pie is doing something altogether different. They’re adding an unexpected twist to traditional pie-making. Offering an alluring range of pies with innovative flavors such as the Salted Maple Pie, they’ve got my tastebuds tingling with excitement. Not just that, but their community-driven ethos is praiseworthy as well.

Turning onto Russell Street, my senses are led by an array of delightful smells to Avalon International Breads. The bakery embraces organic farming, sourcing many its ingredients from local suppliers. You’ve got to try their famous Farnsworth Family Farm bread, lovingly made from 100% organic, Michigan-grown, whole grain flour.

The last stop on my bakery tour is Detroit Institute of Bagels. It’s not your average bagel shop. They pride themselves on delivering hand-rolled, boiled, and baked bagels with a crusty exterior and chewy center. A must-try is their unique concoction of a pretzel bagel, for when you can’t decide between the two.

Patrolling the vibrant corners of Detroit’s Eastern Market has certainly been a gastronomic delight. Each bakery has a unique charm and delicious surprises waiting to be discovered. The pastries, the aromas, the whole experience is exceptional. And trust me, the exploration is more than worthwhile!

Must-Try Baked Goods

Diving further into the delicious world of Eastern Market’s bakeries, it’s apparent just how much gastronomic delight they hold. A stroll through these fragrant establishments brings about an encounter with a miscellany of irresistible treats that each tell their own unique story. This beguiling collection of baked delicacies, ranging from traditional favorites to innovative experiments, can be said to epitomize Detroit’s vibrant and eclectic food scene.

To start off, let me share my personal favorite, the baklawa from Astoria Pastry Shop. This pastry stands out with a medley of textures and flavors – a crunchy outer layer packed with nuts, all cloaked in perfectly sweet and sticky honey. What’s more, the rainbow cookies, another specialty of theirs, mirror taste and visual appeal in their vibrant, petite structure. Trust me, the burst of almondy sweetness in these cookies is enough to transport you straight to sugary nirvana.

Switching gears, Germack Coffee Roasting Company showcases their love for quality in their delicately roasted coffee beans. However, their artisan pastries rise to the occasion every bit as much, if not more. A must-try here is their apricot-glazed danish that undoubtedly complements any brew from their extensive coffee selection.

Sister Pie, on the other hand, deviates from the norm by adding a creative twist to their pie-making. Ever tasted a Salted Maple Pie? You’ll be intrigued by this harmonious merge of sweet and salty, an unconventional play on flavors that takes the humble pie to a whole new level. It’s truly an experience not to be missed!

To speak about Avalon International Breads would be to ignore their organic ethos. Their iconic Farnsworth Family Farm bread pays homage to the age-old tradition of baking, all while supporting local farming. This bread, with its hearty yet mild flavor and chewy texture, truly deserves a spot in your food repertoire.

Lastly, but by no means least, Detroit Institute of Bagels offers a unique twist on the quintessential breakfast food. Their hand-rolled, boiled and baked bagels could make anyone a bagel-lover. Their one-of-a-kind pretzel bagel, while unconventional, offers an interesting blend of savory dough and glossy exterior, ensuring a memorable encounter.

Deciding the Best Bakery

Choosing the best bakery in Eastern Market is certainly no easy task considering the sheer diversity of flavors, textures, and presentations that each establishment offers. Be it the sophisticated fusion offerings at Astoria Pastry Shop, the artisanal pastries whipping up at Germack Coffee Roasting Company, Sister Pie’s innovative recipe mix-ups, Avalon International Breads’ organic-only commitment, or the unique bagel twists at the Detroit Institute of Bagels – the decision simply depends on what tantalizes your taste buds the most.

But let’s break it down to a few specifics that could aid in the process. First, let’s focus on the ingredient quality. At Avalon, their organic ethos really sets the bar high in terms of ingredient freshness. They source from local farms like Farnsworth Family Farm and the quality shows in the end product.

Another factor to consider is innovation. The morphing menu at Sister Pie is what sets it apart. Lisa Ludwinski, the pie genius behind the bakery, isn’t afraid to get creative with flavors. Salted Maple Pie, anyone? It’s a revolutionary twist to traditional pie-making and it’s an experience you simply can’t miss.

If unique textures are what you crave, be sure to visit the Detroit Institute of Bagels. They have managed to breathe new life into a classic favorite by creating the pretzel bagel. It’s an astoundingly delicious blend of chewy pretzel and soft bagel that you won’t find anywhere else.

Astoria Pastry Shop is where your sweet tooth comes to play with its wide range of confectionary. Whether it’s the baklawa with its mesmerizing blend of crunch and sweetness, or the soft rainbow cookies, the options are just dazzling.

Finally, the Germack Coffee Roasting Company brings the best of both worlds – artisan pastries paired with a warm cuppa. Their apricot-glazed danish is a fine example of high-quality baking craftsmanship. Layered with a delicate balance of textures and flavors, it’s a, dare I say, perfect pastry experience.


I’ve savored the delights of Eastern Market’s best bakeries and I’m thrilled to share my findings. Avalon International Breads, Sister Pie, Detroit Institute of Bagels, Astoria Pastry Shop, and Germack Coffee Roasting Company each offer something uniquely delicious. From Avalon’s organic ethos to Sister Pie’s innovative menu, Detroit Institute of Bagels’ unique pretzel bagel fusion, Astoria’s confectionary delights, and Germack’s artisan pastries, it’s clear that Eastern Market is a haven for bakery lovers. The diversity in flavors and experiences is truly impressive. So next time you’re in Detroit, don’t miss out on these gems. Happy bakery hopping!