If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my travels, it’s that Detroit’s Eastern Market is a gold mine for coffee lovers. This bustling hub is not just about fresh produce and local crafts, but it’s also home to some of the best coffee shops you’ll find in the city.

Each coffee shop in the Eastern Market has its own unique charm and flavor. Whether you’re after a strong espresso to kick-start your day or a cozy spot to unwind with a latte, you’re sure to find it here. So let’s take a closer look at some of the top coffee shops this vibrant Market has to offer.

Roasting Plant

Let’s make our way to the Roasting Plant. This gem tucked away in the market is far more than your ordinary coffee shop. Part café and part science experiment, the Roasting Plant offers a spectacle for both the eye and the palate.

Pioneers in coffee bean roasting technology, the Roasting Plant’s key appeal lies in its state-of-the-art Javabot system. It’s a unique and impressive setup where beans are shot through transparent tubes right in front of your eyes. This process ensures that each cup of coffee is as fresh as it can be. Imagine taking a sip from your cup and knowing the coffee beans were roasted just a few moments ago. Now that’s a fresh cup of joe.

Here’s what you should know about their coffee:

Coffee Description
Espresso Full-bodied with a robust flavor
Latte Creamy and rich, perfect for the afternoon sip
Coffee Classic black, brewed fresh

But the Roasting Plant doesn’t stop at just coffee. Their menu also incorporates sandwiches, pastries, and a selection of teas. It’s an ideal place for a quick brunch or a leisurely afternoon snack.

The ambiance here is also worth noting. A saloon-style layout with high stools and long tables offers a blend of coziness and community feel. The constant hum of the Javabot system in operation adds a unique vibe to the environment.

But remember, this isn’t merely a stop-and-go kind of place. Here you’ll find locals and visitors alike taking a pause from their bustling day. The Roasting Plant is a haven for those who appreciate quality coffee and a unique experience. Be ready for an immersive experience – a live show of coffee beans roasting and being transported to your cup.

As you step out, keep the experience in mind and look forward to the next must-visit coffeeshop on our Detroit Eastern Market coffee trail.

Germack Coffee Roasting Co.

A short stroll from the Roasting Plant and I found myself at the doorstep of another Detroit coffee legend, Germack Coffee Roasting Co. Having first opened its doors in 1924 as a producer of nut products, it has grown to incorporate a coffee roasting arm reputed for its diversified range of beans and roasts.

Celebrated as the oldest roaster of pistachios in America, Germack boasts a unique flavor to their coffees, influenced by their extensive experience in nut roasting. Their approach to coffee roasting – meticulous, slow and low – ensures that each cup poured possesses a depth of flavor that’s simultaneously bold and nuanced.

Stepping inside the Germack Coffee Roasting Co., I instantly fell under the charm of its rustic decor and the inviting aromas of freshly roasted coffee beans and assorted net products. The cozy, vibrant atmosphere invites patrons to while away the hours, savoring one artisan cup of coffee after another.

The options at Germack are bountiful, offering a discerning palette of coffees covering light, medium, dark roasts – with espresso, decaf and various flavoured options as well. Their specialty, though, has to be the “Roaster’s Select“: a selection dedicated to showcasing beans sourced from specific regions or farms, expertly roasted to highlight each bean’s unique attributes.

In the following paragraphs, we’ll get to know more about Germack’s noteworthy gastronomical offerings. But in no time, with the complex flavors of the Roaster’s Select still delicately etched on my palate, I found myself being drawn to another coffee sanctuary down the road.

Urban Bean Co.

Just a stone’s throw away from the bustling Eastern Market is Urban Bean Co. Originally established in 1963 as a newsstand, this building has seen its fair share of transformations, once home to a record store and even a Detroit techno club, before settling into its current skin as a modern and hip coffee shop.

With a unique two-story glass structure, Urban Bean Co catches your eye as soon as you step into the vicinity. The loft-style seating upstairs, coupled with great views of Detroit’s streets, offers a dynamic environment for not just coffee lovers, but also those looking for a refreshing workspace. The blend of modernity and comfort provides a welcoming atmosphere. It’s the kind of place where you can just kick back and enjoy all the noises and voices around you forming a symphony of urban life.

Let’s talk about what really matters — the coffee. Urban Bean Co takes pride in sourcing high-quality, ethically grown coffee beans, earning them recognition as a favorite local spot for coffee aficionados. Their menu offers a variety of caffeinated delights, like their signature Orange Tonic Espresso – a unique blend of the fruity notes of oranges with the robust intensity of freshly brewed espresso.

But what caught my attention is their Nitro Cold Brew. Served from a tap, this heady mix of cold brew coffee infused with nitrogen results in a silky foam similar to a Guinness beer. It’s a different kind of coffee experience that I encourage you to taste.

Apart from coffee, Urban Bean Co also offers a selection of pastries and bagels to satiate your hunger. They believe in supporting local bakeries, so all the food available is sourced locally. You might be surprised and find your favorite neighborhood bakery goodies there!

They don’t just serve good coffee; they immerse you in a full-flavored experience where both the atmosphere and the products are locally sourced — a true Detroit experience.

So, next time you’re near Eastern Market, make sure to drop by Urban Bean Co. Give their Nitro Cold Brew a shot, or perhaps try the unique Orange Tonic Espresso, and let yourself be immersed in their urban charm without forgetting to grab a bite of locally sourced pastries.

Dessert Oasis Coffee Roasters

Nestled in the heart of Detroit’s Eastern Market, another caffeine haven waits to amaze you: Dessert Oasis Coffee Roasters. From its aesthetically pleasing interior to the high-quality coffee they serve, it’s a spot not to miss. Over time, this spot has garnered quite a reputation and grown into a veritable hub for coffee lovers in Detroit.

Dessert Oasis puts a high emphasis on quality. They don’t just serve coffee, they roast it–right in the heart of their shop. They source their beans from the finest coffee-growing regions globally, ensuring a potent blend of flavor and sustainability. Detroit is a city known for its local pride, and Dessert Oasis is no exception. Every cup of coffee serves as a testament to their dedication to crafting the best brews while also taking care of the planet.

But as you might guess from the name, it’s not just about the coffee at Dessert Oasis. They also offer an array of exquisite desserts that would tempt anyone’s sweet tooth. From cheesecakes to caramel apple pies, the options are endless and always changing. I recommend trying their delicious carrot cake – it pairs perfectly with a cup of their house blend coffee.

For those looking for a workspace, Dessert Oasis is an ideal place. They have a spacious layout equipped with comfortable seating, ample workspaces, and free Wi-Fi. It’s a peaceful environment, perfect for settling down with a laptop, a hot cup of coffee, and one of their fresh pastries.

Just as at Urban Bean Co., if you’re a visitor interested in a full-flavored Detroit experience, you’ll find it here. Top rate coffee, unique desserts, and a vibrant ambiance make for a must-visit location. While each drink here tells a story, I’d be remiss not to mention a special one – their signature Honey Latte. This blend of espresso, honey, and steamed milk is a delight to the senses. The balance between the honey’s sweetness and espresso’s boldness is just right – it’s an experience that’s hard to forget.

Red Hook Coffee

Stepping into another facet of Detroit’s Eastern Market coffee scene, our journey brings us to Red Hook Coffee. This charming establishment gives off a warm and welcoming ambiance, begging you to linger with your drink a little longer.

What sets Red Hook Coffee apart is its dedication to Stumptown Coffee, a direct-trade coffee roaster hailing from Portland, Oregon. This fine brew’s rich flavor profile is a product of meticulous sourcing from the finest coffee farms worldwide. The result is a smooth, balanced taste that any coffee lover would appreciate. Their pour-over coffee, in particular, is hard to resist for its robust yet delicate flavors.

Apart from serving top-tier coffee, Red Hook Coffee is widely acclaimed for its delectable pastries. Their assortment of mouthwatering baked goods are locally sourced and embody the spirit of Detroit’s culinary scene. It’s the perfect accompaniment to your favorite cup of joe – a sweet reprieve that enhances your coffee drinking experience.

Eager to support Detroit’s local talent, the café also shelters Pinwheel Bakery’s famous pastries. This collaboration promises every customer an authentic and enjoyable Detroit experience. From buttery croissants to savory quiches, the variety is sure to tickle the taste buds of every discerning foodie.

Let’s break down the factors that make Red Hook Coffee a noteworthy destination:

  • It serves Stumptown Coffee, a rich and smooth direct-trade coffee.
  • It supports local food providers, showcasing local Detroit talent.
  • It offers free Wi-Fi and cozy interior, perfect for both brief and extended visits.

Our journey reveals yet more layers of the Eastern Market coffee scene as we immerse ourselves in the distinctive experiences offered by the cafes. From the unique flavors of Red Hook Coffee’s Stumptown brew to the delectable pastries of Pinwheel Bakery, it’s clear that each location brings something special to the table.

Feature Details
Coffee Served Stumptown Coffee
Specialty Pour-over coffee
Local Collaboration Pinwheel Bakery
Additional Offerings Free Wi-Fi, Comfortable Workspace


It’s been a pleasure sharing my thoughts on Detroit’s Eastern Market coffee scene. Red Hook Coffee has truly captured my heart with its dedication to Stumptown Coffee and locally sourced pastries. I’ve found it to be more than just a coffee shop – it’s a cozy, inviting space that embraces local talent and enhances the Detroit culinary experience. If you’re ever in the area, I can’t recommend it enough. I’m sure you’ll love the rich flavors and friendly atmosphere as much as I do. So grab your favorite book or your laptop and head over to Red Hook Coffee for a truly delightful experience. It’s a gem that’s worth discovering.